The Foundation’s Good Ticket program recognizes LVMPD Officers and civilian personnel for their positive actions in the community. The program was first proposed by Sydney Ramenofsky, who, as a member of Girl Scouts of Southern Nevada, wanted the police to have an opportunity to hand out Good Tickets to civilians for doing something good and not only when people do something wrong. It has since become a way to recognize and support officers who, day in and day out, work hard to keep our community safe while showing that humanity is part of the job.
The Good Ticket program is part of an ongoing effort to encourage community support for law enforcement through the LVMPD Foundation, which raises funds to supplement LVMPD programs and initiatives, including officer training, updated equipment, and positive community engagement activities. The LVMPD Foundation is grateful to Resorts World Las Vegas for further encouraging community support for law enforcement.
To view photos of the 2024 Good Ticket Presentation, please visit our Photo Gallery.
This year, Good Tickets have been issued to two officers from South Central Area Command who demonstrated extraordinary compassion and bravery during the UNLV campus shooting ensuring the survival of a fourth victim. Staying calm under pressure and showing unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of the community epitomize the qualities of exemplary law enforcement officers. We honored two female CSI analysts who are mentors to their peers and leaders in the community. Two Spring Valley Area Command officers were awarded Good Tickets for their quick thinking and resourcefulness in moving a family away from gang violence. And recently two officers from Northwest Area Command were given Good Tickets for taking the initiative to pay for a tow truck to help a man in need, demonstrating humanity and compassion on our streets.
Nominate an Officer to Receive the Good Ticket
If you have witnessed an LVMPD officer doing a good deed and would like to nominate them for the Good Ticket, click below to provide officer information and the good deed you witnessed.
Good Ticket Sponsors
The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Foundation salutes the following sponsors of The Good Ticket program: